Monday, January 28, 2008

Forging Ahead

I wonder, sometimes, why I can't just pick of the phone, write a letter or send an e-mail to someone in Saudi Arabia or Iran or Iraq and say, "Hey! Not every person living in the United States agrees with US foreign policy. Not everyone here believe the lies our government tells us." For right now, I can say that. I am free to. But, in four years, or less, we won't have that freedom anymore ... unless Ron Paul is elected as our new President.
I want the people whose counties the US government have invaded and occupied (and are still occupying) to know that there are so many, many of us that don't agree and who think it's wrong ... and who are trying to change the state of our republic. More importantly, I want them to know that we love them and see them as human beings, not as property or something "other worldly". Furthermore, I want them to know that by killing innocent Americans, nothing changes. Our government doesn't care about us any more than they care about your or your children that they kill. Government and the people in it care about money. That's all.
Please ... can we work together for world peace, universal understanding ... the individual sovereignty of every nation on Earth?
Won't someone in the Middle East start talking about peace? Won't you understand that we didn't want this situation any more than you did? There does not have to be a New World Order for us to all live here. I have a great respect for your God ... and I want you to have a great respect for my God and Goddess. The God ... the Great Mind of the Universe, will make the decision about who is right and how is wrong (if anyone at all is) about God and religion. It is time for us to live in peace. It is time for us to quit coveting our neighbors' country. The USA has all the resources it needs to produce it's own energy. We don't need the Middle Eastern Oil, any more than the Middle East really needs the USA to buy it.
We need to quit depending on oil for energy. We need to use solar power, wind power, water power, steam power, and, yes HEMP power.
Did you know that with HEMP, you can make fuel, paper, soap, shampoo, clothing, rope ... and it's weed. Do you know why it's illegal? It would take a joint the size of a telephone pole to get high from HEMP. The reason it's illegal is because big oil men, big paper men, and big drug companies don't like competition.
But, the free market shouldn't be suppressed for the rich. It should be open for a "better mouse trap."
Please ... let us all live in peace. Stop the killing.

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